Member of the Moment: Amy Roman

Amy Roman

President & CEO | CEFO Advisors
Saratoga Springs Chapter


What inspired you to start your business?

The experience I gained during the 20 years working in NYC, helped me realize that I had a lot to offer in terms of knowledge and skill set. I was concerned about being able to sell services but once I realized selling for me was really about building relationships, I realized it wasn't as hard as I had thought and I worked hard at building trusting relationships with people throughout the community who are able to provide referrals, references and leads which I reciprocate.


What challenges have you faced as a woman in business?

Throughout the last 30 years as a CFO, I've faced numerous challenges beginning with being a female in a male dominated role. When I was working in NYC, I was usually the only female in the board room. Women are held to a higher standard. We must be on all of the time to be heard, and must be able to compete confidently against men. I left NYC after 20 years and moved back to upstate NY. I still feel that I have to work harder to be taken seriously in the role of a business owner, CEO, and CFO.


How has being a WPO member helped your business? 

WPO has helped me grow as a mentor and leader. I now have trusted friends who have my best interests at heart. They are there for the fun times as well as the challenging ones.


What is the best piece of business advice that you have ever received?

If you concentrate on what you have, you will always end up having more. If you focus on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.


What is your favorite WPO event you've attended? Why?

Our last annual retreat. I felt the group really came together as one cohesive caring unit. In it for the long run.


About CEFO Advisors:

CEFO Advisors provides a distinctive combination of consulting and outsourced services to support owners and management teams at every stage of their business journey. CEFO understands that small to medium-sized businesses often don't require a full-time CFO. Instead, they benefit from objective advice for making informed decisions, consistent guidance to achieve their goals, and the expertise of a skilled financial team working in harmony with them. To learn more, visit